Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Picture of the Day - 7/22/08

Holy Shit!
The chain of life, I guess??

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Picture of the Day - 7/20/08

Wow, Is this Mary Kay from Mary Kay's Cosmetics house?? It looks like it would be! It kinda looks a big mound of cotton candy. I would definitely live in this house, and even though I like pink, I would change the color.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Picture of the Day 7/19/08

Isn't this just the most charming little house! It kind of reminds me of the Little Tykes girls bedroom set. It isn't thing I would ever own, but it makes me feel happy just to look at it and it just seems kind of magical!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Picture of The Day - 7/14/08

Did any one catch fireflies (lightning bugs) and put them in a jar when they were kids? I did and I remember having so much fun chasing them around trying to catch them, put them in my jar and then just watch with amazements as the those little insects would put out the most amazing glow. I can sit on my porch now and see the lightening bugs flashing their little lights in the park across the street and I still watch with amazement!
photo by www.timladwig.com

Friday, July 11, 2008

Picture of the Day 7/11/08

Wouldn't it be so much easier if we could just squirt the house down to clean it and then have one of those car wash blower things dry it up real quick???

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Picture of the Day 7/10/08

Who agrees with this?? I do! I Do!! I don't have time to do housework, damn it!! Why can't I just wake up to a frickin' clean house?? All I want is a clean house and time to still do the things I want to do! What's wrong with that? So instead, my house suffers.......so sad :(

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Picture of the Day - 7/09/08

Well, if all else fails and I can't think of anything to post about,
Why not post pictures of Johnny Depp!

OMG, look at those eyes!!
Johnny Depp has some of the most amazing eyes I have ever seen!
He's just so cute!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Picture of the Day - 7/08/08

Isn't this just the coolest picture! What else can I say? Cool!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Picture of the Day - 07/02/08

When Graphic Designers Get Bored
I received these in an email and thought they were pretty cool!
A plant that they turned into roosters

The Cat and Mouse Game

I wish I could be so creative with photography! I think Graphic Design is really a neat thing!


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